39 research outputs found

    Investigation of mixing chamber for experimental FGD reactor

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    This article deals with numerical investigation of flow and mixing of air and sulphur dioxide SO2 in designated mixing chamber. The mixing chamber is a part of experimental laboratory reactor designed for simulating the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process. Aim of this work is the numerical investigation of effect of different mixing chamber geometries to mixture composition, especially to mass fraction of sulphur dioxide. Using of similar concentration of sulphur dioxide in the experimental reactor as in the real process is necessary to be able to make additional research. Conclusion describes the effect of different geometries of mixing chamber to mixing. The aim of this work is to develop perfectly works mixing chamber, which will be manufactured and then implemented into experimental FGD reactor. The results will be validated by experiment after the mixing chamber will be manufactured. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017

    Garnet-bearing layered anorogenous granites and pegmatites of the Hlína Suite inside the Brunovistulicum – structures and field occurrences

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    The SW part of the Brno Batholith as well as NE part of the Thaya batholith have undergone recent mapping focused on layered granite dykes belong to the Hlína A-type granite suite. Dykes cropping out throughout the both other granitic suites in the region (Réna I-type and Tetčice S-type) widespread more than 60 km in N–S direction. Structures of the Hlína granites are easily distinguishable by their layering parallel to the contact, alternating of major aplite-like zones and minor pegmatite-like zones with oriented UST comb-like Qtz, Pland Kfs. The lamination of the rock is pronounced by parallel stripe-like arrangement of the garnet. The purpose of text below is highlighted the volumetrically scarce but genetically very important part of the Brunovistulian unit.The SW part of the Brno Batholith as well as NE part of the Thaya batholith have undergone recent mapping focused on layered granite dykes belong to the Hlína A-type granite suite. Dykes cropping out throughout the both other granitic suites in the region (Réna I-type and Tetčice S-type) widespread more than 60 km in N–S direction. Structures of the Hlína granites are easily distinguishable by their layering parallel to the contact, alternating of major aplite-like zones and minor pegmatite-like zones with oriented UST comb-like Qtz, Pland Kfs. The lamination of the rock is pronounced by parallel stripe-like arrangement of the garnet. The purpose of text below is highlighted the volumetrically scarce but genetically very important part of the Brunovistulian unit

    Evaluation of Novel Soft Computing Methods for the Prediction of the Dental Milling Time-Error Parameter

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    This multidisciplinary study presents the application of two well known soft computing methods – flexible neural trees, and evolutionary fuzzy rules – for the prediction of the error parameter between real dental milling time and forecast given by the dental milling machine. In this study a real data set obtained by a dynamic machining center with five axes simultaneously is analyzed to empirically test the novel system in order to optimize the time error

    Prediction of Dental Milling Time-Error by Flexible Neural Trees and Fuzzy Rules

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    This multidisciplinary study presents the application of two soft computing methods utilizing the artificial evolution of symbolic structures – evolutionary fuzzy rules and flexible neural trees – for the prediction of dental milling time-error, i.e. the error between real dental milling time and forecast given by the dental milling machine. In this study a real data set obtained by a dynamic machining center with five axes simultaneously is analyzed to empirically test the novel system in order to optimize the time error

    Analýza rozsáhlých biologických dat

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    Import 02/11/2016The thesis deals with computer analysis of biological data. It is mainly focused on protein structures and sequences as well as on small micro RNA (miRNA) molecules which play a crucial role in the regulation of the translation process of the messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules. Analyzing three dimensional protein structures is a very important task in molecular biology. Nowadays, the solution for protein structures often stems from the use of the state-of-the-art technologies such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy techniques, or X-Ray crystallography, etc. as seen in the increasing number of Protein Data Bank (PDB) entries. The Protein Data Bank is a database of 3D structural data of large biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids. It was proved that structurally similar proteins tend to have similar functions even if their amino acid sequences are not similar to one another. Thus, it is very important to find proteins with similar structures (even in part) from the growing database to analyze protein functions. However, technologies like NMR cannot handle the ever increasing speed at which new proteins are sequenced, since protein sequencing is much more simple and cheaper then these methods. Thus it is important to have methods that can predict the protein structure directly from the sequence of amino acid residues. One of the very important and often used modeling methods is based on knowledge of a protein sequence with a known structure as a template. Such methods, however, require fast and accurate sequence analysis tools. It has been proven that proteins with a certain sequence similarity calculated by pairwise alignments tend to have similar structural and functional properties even if their sequences of amino acid residues are not very similar. It has been found that 30\% of sequence similarity over aligned regions is sufficient to find similar functional and structural properties of protein molecules. Therefore there is an effort in the development and refinement of the methods and tools which deal with the protein sequence similarity on the level of the protein primary structure i.e. protein sequence. This thesis has three main parts. The first part presents the theoretical background which is needed in the following parts of this thesis. The second part of this thesis presents our novel approaches for the analysis of protein molecules in a sense of 3D structure and sequence similarity. The last part of this work is focused on the analysis of micro RNA molecules.Tato disertační práce se zabývá analýzou biologických dat. Hlavně je zaměřena na proteinové struktury a sekvence a dále na malé molekuly mikro RNA, které hrají klíčovou roli v regulaci tvorby RNA molekul a potažmo proteinů. Analýza trojrozměrné struktury proteinů je velmi důležity úkol v oblasti molekulární biologie. V současné době je řešení tohoto problému prováděno pomocí state-of-the-art technik jako je například spektroskopie s využitím nukleární magnetická rezonance (NMR) nebo krystalografie založená na rentgenové analýze. Výsledek těchto technik je nejlépe vidět na stále rostoucím počtu záznámů v databázy PDB (Protein Data Bank). Protein Data Bank je databáze trojrozměrných strukturálních dat, které popisují velké biologické molekuly jako jsou proteiny nebo nukleové kyseliny DNA a RNA. Již v minulosti bylo dokázáno, že strukturálně podobné proteiny mají tendeci mít také stejnou funkci i když sekvence aminokyselin, ze kterých jsou složené, jsou odlišné. Proto je velmi důležité hledat proteiny s podobnou strukturou (i když jen částečně), ze stále se rozšiřující proteinové databáze, a zkoumat funkce těchto molekul. Ačkoliv jsou technologie jako například NMR velice přesné, nemohou nikdy pokrýt množství nových proteinů, které jsou sekvenovány, jelikož proces sekvenování je nesrovnatelně rychlejší a také podstatně levnější. Proto je velmi důležité mít postupy a metody, které mohou predikovat trojorozměrnou strukturu proteinu přímo ze sekvence aminokyselin, ze kterých se skládají. Jedna z velice důležitých modelovacích (prediktivních) metod je založena na znalosti proteinových sekvencí s již známou trojrozměrnou strukturou, která slouží jako tzv. šablona. Takovéto metody ovšem vyžadují přesné a rychlé nástroje pro analýzou proteinových sekvencí. Bylo dokázáno, že proteiny s určitou mírou podobnosti sekvence, vypočítáné párovým porovnáním, mají tendenci mít i podobnou strukturu a funkční vlastnosti, i když tyto sekvence nejsou zcela totožné. Bylo zjištěno, že pouhá 30\% podobnost oblastí zkoumaných sekvencí, je dostačující pro nalezení stejných funkčních a strukturních vlastností proteinových molekul. Proto je snaha vyvíjet a zpřesňovat metody pro hledání podobností na úrovni proteinové sekvence neboli primární struktury proteinu. Tato disertační práce se skládá ze tří hlavní částí. První část představuje teoretické pozadí, které je nutné pro pochopení dalších částí této práce. Druhá část této práce je zaměřena na náš nový přístup pro analýzu proteinových molekul ve smyslu terciální (trojorozměrné) struktury a stejně tak i primární struktury. Poslední část této disertační práce je zaměřena na analýzu malých mikro RNA molekul.460 - Katedra informatikyvyhově

    Numerical simulation of flow in the wet scrubber for desulfurization

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    This article deals with numerical simulation of flow and chemical reactions in absorber for desulfurization of flue-gas. The objective of the work is the investigation of effect of different nozzles types and their placement in spray layers. These nozzles distribute lime suspension into flue gas stream. The research includes two types of nozzles and four different arrangements of nozzles and spray layers. Conclusion describes the effect of nozzle types and their arrangements on the suspension concentration in absorber

    Investigation of mixing chamber for experimental FGD reactor

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    This article deals with numerical investigation of flow and mixing of air and sulphur dioxide SO2 in designated mixing chamber. The mixing chamber is a part of experimental laboratory reactor designed for simulating the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process. Aim of this work is the numerical investigation of effect of different mixing chamber geometries to mixture composition, especially to mass fraction of sulphur dioxide. Using of similar concentration of sulphur dioxide in the experimental reactor as in the real process is necessary to be able to make additional research. Conclusion describes the effect of different geometries of mixing chamber to mixing. The aim of this work is to develop perfectly works mixing chamber, which will be manufactured and then implemented into experimental FGD reactor. The results will be validated by experiment after the mixing chamber will be manufactured